.. _protocols-pipes: ************************************ Networking Protocols and Named Pipes ************************************ Lasso provides objects for TCP, TCP/SSL and UDP networking. It also provides objects for local communications over named pipes. These networking objects are designed to fit tightly into the language runtime's threading model. Each method call that might block accepts a ``timeout`` parameter. All such timeouts are in seconds. TCP === .. index:: TCP :abbr:`TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)` networking is provided through the :type:`net_tcp` type. Objects of this type represent either the client or the server end of a connection. Creating net_tcp Objects ------------------------ .. type:: net_tcp .. method:: net_tcp() .. method:: net_tcp(fd::filedesc) A :type:`net_tcp` object is created with no parameters. Once an object is obtained it can open or accept TCP connections. Alternatively, can be passed a :type:`filedesc` object that it will use to read and write data. Opening TCP Connections ----------------------- .. member:: net_tcp->connect(to::string, port::integer, timeout::integer= 4) Opens a TCP connection to the specified server. TCP connections are made based on an address string and a port number. A server must be listening at the address and port before connections can be made to it. The address can be either a host name or an IP address. The addresses "" or "" can be used for local connections. Returns "true" if the connection succeeds. By default, it will timeout after 4 seconds and return "false" if a connection cannot be made, but will not cause a failure. It will return sooner than that in cases where the specified server is not on the network or has no server listening on the specified port. This timeout is more likely to be hit when connecting to a server that is available but under heavy load and not processing new connections in a timely manner. The timeout value can be tailored for the expected network conditions. A value of "-1" indicates no timeout. Accepting TCP Connections ------------------------- A TCP server listens on a specific port for client connections. Once a client connects, a new :type:`net_tcp` object is returned for that connection. There are several steps for establishing a server. The series of methods is generally: `~net_tcp->bind`, `~net_tcp->listen` and then either `~net_tcp->accept` or `~net_tcp->forEachAccept`. .. member:: net_tcp->bind(port::integer, address::string= '') .. member:: net_tcp->listen(backlog::integer= 128) When acting as a server, the :type:`net_tcp` object must first be bound to a local port and optional address. The address can be ignored in most cases, but is useful on machines that have multiple network interfaces. The bind can be called before a client connection is made as well, however the operating system will automatically bind a client connection to a random port if it is not already bound, so binding a client connection is usually skipped. When creating a server, `~net_tcp->listen` is called after `~net_tcp->bind`. It allows the new object to begin accepting client connections. .. member:: net_tcp->accept(timeoutSeconds::integer= -1) .. member:: net_tcp->forEachAccept() After a :type:`net_tcp` object has been bound and is listening, client connections can then be accepted. The `~net_tcp->accept` method is called to accept one connection. The process of accepting a connection does not actually establish a connection; instead, a new object is returned for that connection. Usually, the new connection should be passed to the new thread. This permits the server's thread to continue accepting new connections in a loop while the newly accepted connection is free to handle itself independently. By default, `~net_tcp->accept` will wait indefinitely for a client to connect. The ``timeout`` parameter can make the call return "null" if no client has connected in that period. The `~net_tcp->forEachAccept` method is used to accept connections in a loop. When called it is given a capture. Each accepted connection will be passed to that capture to be handled. Closing TCP Connections ----------------------- .. member:: net_tcp->close() TCP connections should be closed as soon as they are no longer needed. Once a :type:`net_tcp` object has been closed it should not be used again. .. member:: net_tcp->shutdownRd() .. member:: net_tcp->shutdownWr() .. member:: net_tcp->shutdownRdWr() These give greater control over closing the connection at the TCP level. Respectively, these methods close down communications channels for the read, write, or read and write directions. A `~net_tcp->close` should still be called after a shutdown. Reading TCP Data ---------------- .. member:: net_tcp->readSomeBytes(count::integer, timeoutSeconds::integer) Attempts to read up to the specified number of bytes. If any bytes are immediately available then those will be returned and may be fewer than the requested amount. The ``timeout`` parameter controls how long the method will wait for data if there is none to be read. The method will return "null" if the timeout is reached. Writing TCP Data ---------------- .. member:: net_tcp->writeBytes(data::bytes, offset::integer= 0, length::integer= -1) Attempts to send the provided bytes. An optional zero-based ``offset`` parameter can specify how far in the bytes to skip before sending. An optional ``length`` parameter can specify how many bytes to send. The default value of "-1" causes all the bytes to be sent. Returns the number of bytes that were sent. However, this number will always match the number of bytes requested to be sent. It automatically handles TCP flow control, but does not accept a timeout value. Simple Multi-Threaded Server ---------------------------- The example below will create a simple server that returns an HTTP response that simply echos back the request data it received. :: local(server) = net_tcp handle => { #server->close } #server->bind(8080) & listen & forEachAccept => { // New client connection local(con) = #1 // Move connection into new thread split_thread => { handle => { #con->close } local(request) = '' // Read in the entire request in chunks { #request->append(#con->readSomeBytes(8096)) not #request->contains('\r\n\r\n') ? currentCapture->restart }() // Write out the HTTP response with the request in the body local(response) = 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\ Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n\ ' + #request #con->writeBytes(bytes(#response)) } } While that server was running, if you were to open up a terminal shell on the same machine and execute ``curl localhost:8080``, the following would be the result: .. code-block:: none $> curl localhost:8080 GET / HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: curl/7.30.0 Host: localhost:8080 Accept: */* TCP/SSL ======= .. index:: SSL :abbr:`SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)` support is provided through the :type:`net_tcp_ssl` type. This type inherits from :type:`net_tcp`, so all of its methods are available plus a few SSL-specific additions. SSL is turned on and off for connections that are already established. When being used as a server, creating new :type:`net_tcp_ssl` objects will return :type:`net_tcp` objects with SSL turned on. Creating net_tcp_ssl Objects ---------------------------- .. type:: net_tcp_ssl .. versionchanged:: 9.2.6 Renamed from `net_tcpssl`. .. method:: net_tcp_ssl() .. method:: net_tcp_ssl(fd::filedesc) The first method creates and returns a new :type:`net_tcp_ssl` object and accepts no parameters. The second creator method can be passed a :type:`filedesc` object that will use to read and write data. Loading SSL Certificates ------------------------ .. member:: net_tcp_ssl->loadCerts(cert::string, privateKey::string) Requires the file paths to a certificate file and a private key file. It is required when creating a TCP SSL server. The paths should be full OS-specific paths to the files. It calls through to the OpenSSL functions ``SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file`` and ``SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file``. It will fail if an error is returned from the OpenSSL functions, in which case the OpenSSL-specific error code and message will be set. Beginning and Ending SSL Sessions --------------------------------- .. member:: net_tcp_ssl->beginTLS(timeoutSecs::integer= 5) Begins SSL communications for the connection. Because starting SSL requires a series of communications between the two hosts, this method allows specifying a timeout value which will terminate the action if it takes too long to complete. Returns no value, but will fail if the underlying OpenSSL library produces an error. .. member:: net_tcp_ssl->endTLS() Ends the SSL session and returns the connection to its non-SSL state. The connection is not terminated in any way. Accepting SSL Connections ------------------------- Accepting SSL connections is accomplished in the same manner as accepting non-SSL connections. However, serving SSL requires setting the certificate and private key files through the `net_tcp_ssl->loadCerts` method. The :type:`net_tcp_ssl` object supports both `~net_tcp_ssl->accept` and `~net_tcp_ssl->forEachAccept` just as :type:`net_tcp` does. Accepting a connection using either of those methods will return a :type:`net_tcp_ssl` object that has started the SSL session. Because some protocols require connections to be established first and then switched to SSL, :type:`net_tcp_ssl` also provides an `~net_tcp_ssl->acceptNoSSL` method. .. member:: net_tcp_ssl->acceptNoSSL(timeoutSeconds::integer= -1)::net_tcp_ssl Accepts a new connection and returns a :type:`net_tcp_ssl` object for it. This connection has not yet started an SSL session and operates just as a :type:`net_tcp` connection would. SSL can be started via the `net_tcp_ssl->beginTLS` method. UDP === .. index:: UDP :abbr:`UDP (User Datagram Protocol)` is a connectionless protocol. It is used to transmit individual packets of data to a server. Creating net_udp Objects ------------------------ .. type:: net_udp .. method:: net_udp() .. method:: net_udp(fd::filedesc) The first method accepts no parameters and returns a new :type:`net_udp` object. Alternatively, a :type:`filedesc` object that will be used to read and write data can be passed as a parameter. Reading UDP Data ---------------- Reading UDP data requires first binding a :type:`net_udp` object to a specific port and optional address. Once bound, data can be read through the `net_udp->readPacket` method which returns data as an object of type :type:`net_udp_packet`. This contains the bytes sent as well as the address of the sender and the port from which it was sent. .. member:: net_udp->readPacket(maxBytes::integer, timeoutSeconds::integer= -1) Waits to receive a new UDP packet. The first parameter specifies the maximum size of data to receive. The number of bytes returned may be fewer than the provided value, though individual packets will not be segmented. This value affects the size of the memory buffer allocated internally to hold incoming data. The second parameter specifies how long the method should wait before returning a "null" value. The default value of "-1" causes the method to wait indefinitely. When successful, this method returns a :type:`net_udp_packet` object. .. type:: net_udp_packet .. method:: net_udp_packet(bytes, name, port) .. member:: net_udp_packet->bytes()::bytes Returns the bytes received. .. member:: net_udp_packet->fromName()::string Returns the server name that the data was sent from. .. member:: net_udp_packet->fromPort()::integer Returns the port that the data was sent from. Writing UDP Data ---------------- With a :type:`net_udp` object, data is sent one packet at a time to a particular address and port combination. The receivers must be waiting to accept packets from other hosts. .. member:: net_udp->writeBytes(b::bytes, toAddress::string, toPort::integer)::integer Sends the bytes specified in the first parameter to the host and port specified in the second and third parameters. Returns the number of bytes that were sent. Closing net_udp Objects ----------------------- .. member:: net_udp->close() Although :type:`net_udp` objects do not maintain a connection, they must still be closed when they are no longer needed to free up resources. Named Pipes =========== .. index:: socket, named pipe A :dfn:`named pipe` is a means of communication between processes on a single local machine. One process begins listening on a pipe with a particular name. Other processes connect to that pipe and data is exchanged. The :type:`net_named_pipe` type inherits from :type:`net_tcp` and so all of the same methods for reading and writing bytes data are available. Named pipe usage differs in that the bind and connect methods take a pipe name parameter (with no port number). The `net_named_pipe->accept` method returns a :type:`net_named_pipe` object for the new connection. The :type:`net_named_pipe` objects are implemented as UNIX domain sockets on UNIX-based systems and as named pipes on Windows. Creating net_named_pipe Objects ------------------------------- .. type:: net_named_pipe .. method:: net_named_pipe() .. method:: net_named_pipe(fd::filedesc) The first method accepts no parameters and returns a new `net_named_pipe` object. Alternatively, a :type:`filedesc` object that will be used to read and write data can be passed as a parameter. Opening Named Pipe Connections ------------------------------ .. member:: net_named_pipe->connect(to::string, timeoutSeconds::integer= 4) Attempts to connect to the specified named pipe. Returns "true" if the connection was made, and "false" otherwise. Accepting Named Pipe Connections -------------------------------- .. member:: net_named_pipe->bind(to::string) .. member:: net_named_pipe->listen(backlog::integer= 128) .. member:: net_named_pipe->accept(timeoutSeconds::integer= -1) The `~net_named_pipe->bind` method attempts to create a pipe with the given name. It requires one parameter which is the name of the pipe to create. There can be only one listener on any given pipe name. The method will fail if there is a problem creating the pipe. The `~net_named_pipe->listen` and `~net_named_pipe->accept` methods operate as described for their :type:`net_tcp` counterparts, except that `~net_named_pipe->accept` will return new :type:`net_named_pipe` objects for each new connection.