
Lasso provides a set of data encryption methods which support the most common encryption and hash functions used on the Internet today. These encryption methods make it possible to interoperate with other systems that require encryption and to store data in a secure fashion within data sources or files.

Lasso has built-in methods for the BlowFish encryption algorithm and for the SHA1 and MD5 hash algorithms.

Lasso’s cipher methods provide access to a wide range of industry-standard encryption algorithms. The cipher_list method lists which algorithms are available on your system and the cipher_encrypt, cipher_decrypt, and cipher_digest methods allow values to be encrypted, decrypted, or digest values to be generated, respectively.

Encryption Methods

Lasso provides a number of methods that allow data to be encrypted for secure storage or transmission. Three different types of encryption are supplied:

This is a fast, popular encryption algorithm. Lasso provides tools to encrypt and decrypt string values using a developer-defined seed. This is the best method to use for data that needs to be stored in a database or transmitted securely and decrypted later.
This is a one-way cryptographic hash algorithm that is often used to verify file integrity. MD5 is generally considered unsuitably weak for security purposes.
This is a one-way cryptographic hash algorithm that is often used for passwords. There is no way to decode data that has been hashed using SHA1.
encrypt_blowfish(plaintext, -seed::string)

Encrypts a string using the industry-standard BlowFish algorithm. Accepts two parameters, a string to be encrypted and a -seed keyword parameter with the key or password for the encryption. It returns an encrypted bytes object.

The BlowFish methods are not binary-safe, so the output of the method will be truncated after the first null character. It is necessary to use encode_base64, encode_hex, or encode_utf8 prior to using this method to encrypt data that might contain binary characters.

decrypt_blowfish(cipherText, -seed::string)

Decrypts a byte stream encrypted using the industry-standard BlowFish algorithm. Accepts two parameters, a byte stream to be decrypted and a -seed keyword parameter with the key or password for the decryption. Returns a decrypted bytes object.

encrypt_md5(data::bytes) → string
encrypt_md5(data::any) → string

Hashes a string using the one-way MD5 hash algorithm. Accepts one parameter, the data to be hashed. Returns a fixed-size hash value in hexadecimal as a string.

encrypt_hmac(-password, -token, -digest=?, -base64::boolean=?, -hex::boolean=?, -cram::boolean=?, ...)

Generates a keyed hash message authentication code for a given input and password. The method requires a -password parameter to specify the key for the hash and a -token parameter to specify the text message that is to be hashed. These parameters should be specified as a string or as a byte stream. The digest algorithm used for the hash can be specified using an optional -digest parameter. The digest algorithm defaults to “MD5”. “SHA1” is another common option. However, any of the digest algorithms returned by cipher_list(-digest) can be used.

The output is a byte stream by default. The -base64 parameter specifies the output should be a Base64 encoded string. The -hex parameter specifies the output should be a hex format string like “0x0123456789abcdef”. The -cram parameter specifies the output should be in a cram hex format like “0123456789ABCDEF”.

BlowFish Seeds

BlowFish requires a seed in order to encrypt or decrypt a string. The same seed that was used to encrypt data using the encrypt_blowfish method must be passed to the decrypt_blowfish method to decrypt that data. If you lose the key used to encrypt data then the data will be essentially unrecoverable.

Seeds can be any string between 4 characters and 112 characters long. Pick the longest string possible to ensure a secure encryption. Ideal seeds contain a mix of letters, digits, and punctuation.


The security considerations of storing, transmitting, and hard-coding seed values is beyond the scope of this book. The examples that follow present methodologies that are easy to use, but may not provide the highest level of security possible. You should consult a security expert if security is very important for your website.

Store Encrypted Data in a Database

Use the encrypt_blowfish and decrypt_blowfish methods to encrypt data that will be stored in a database and then decrypt the data when it is retrieved from the database.

In the example below, the data in the variable “plaintext” is encrypted and stored in the “ciphertext” variable. This is then used to store the data in the “ciphertext” field of the “people” table in the “contacts” database.

local(plaintext)  = 'The data to be encrypted.'
local(ciphertext) = encrypt_blowfish(#plaintext, -seed='My Insecure Seed')

) => {}

The example below retrieves the record created above and places the Base64-decoded value of the “ciphertext” field in a variable of the same name. It then decrypts the data into the “plaintext” variable and displays that variable.

) => {
   local(ciphertext) = decode_base64(field('ciphertext'))

local(plaintext) = decrypt_blowfish(#ciphertext, -seed='My Insecure Seed')

// => The data to be encrypted.

Store and Check Hashed Passwords

The encrypt_md5 method can be used to store a secure version of a password for a site visitor. On every subsequent visit, the password given by the visitor is hashed using the same method and compared to the stored value. If they match, then the visitor has supplied the same password they initially created.

The following example takes a visitor-supplied password from a form and stores it hashed using MD5 into the “people” table in the “contacts” database:

local(visitor_password) = web_request->param('password')
) => {}

On subsequent visits, the visitor would be prompted for their username and password. The following example shows how to verify the credentials they supply via a form:

local(username) = web_request->param('username')
local(password) = web_request->param('password')

) => {
   local(is_authenticated) = (found_count > 0)
if(#is_authenticated) => {
   // ... login successful ...
   // ... credentials don't match ...


For more security, most login solutions require both a username and a password. Also, many login solutions restrict the number of login attempts that they will accept from a client’s IP address, use salts, and iterate over the hashing algorithm thousands of times. Again, you should consult a security expert if security is very important for your website.

Cipher Methods

Lasso includes a set of methods that allow access to a wide variety of encryption algorithms. These cipher methods provide implementations of many industry-standard encryption methods and can be very useful when communicating using Internet protocols or communicating with legacy systems. The cipher_list method can be used to list which algorithms are supported on a particular Lasso installation.


The actual list of supported algorithms may vary between Lasso installations depending on the platform and system version. The algorithms listed in this guide should be available on all systems, but other more esoteric algorithms may be available on some systems and not on others.

cipher_encrypt(data, -cipher::string, -key, -seed=?) → bytes

Encrypts a string using a specified algorithm. Requires three parameters: the data to be encrypted, a -cipher keyword parameter specifying which algorithm to use, and a -key keyword parameter specifying the key for the algorithm. An optional -seed parameter can be used to seed some algorithms with a random component.

cipher_decrypt(data, -cipher::string, -key, -seed=?) → bytes

Decrypts a string using a specified algorithm. Requires three parameters: the data to be decrypted, a -cipher keyword parameter specifying which algorithm to use, and a -key keyword parameter specifying the key for the algorithm. An optional -seed parameter can be used to seed some algorithms with a random component.

cipher_digest(data, -digest, -hex::boolean=?) → bytes

Hashes data using a specified digest algorithm. Requires two parameters: The data to be encrypted and a -digest parameter that specifies the algorithm to be used. Optional -hex parameter encodes the result as a hexadecimal string.


Lists the algorithms that the cipher methods support. With the optional -digest parameter, it returns only digest algorithms.

The following list some of the cipher algorithms that can be used with cipher_encrypt and some of the digest algorithms that can be used with cipher_digest. Use cipher_list for a full list of supported algorithms.

Advanced Encryption Standard. A symmetric key encryption algorithm which is the replacement for DES. An implementation of the Rijndael algorithm.
Data Encryption Standard. A block cipher developed by IBM in 1977 and previously used as the government standard encryption algorithm for years.
Triple DES. This algorithm uses the DES algorithm three times in succession with different keys.
A public key algorithm named after Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman. One of the most commonly used encryption algorithms. (Note that Lasso does not generate public/private key pairs.)
Digital Signature Algorithm. Part of the Digital Signature Standard. Can be used to sign messages, but not for general encryption.
Secure Hash Algorithm. Produces a 160-bit hash value. Used by DSA.
Message Digest. A hash function that generates a 128-bit message digest. Replaces the MD4 and MD2 algorithms (which are also supported). Also implemented in Lasso as encrypt_md5.

List All Supported Algorithms

Use the cipher_list method. The following example will return a list of all the cipher algorithms supported by this installation of Lasso:

// => staticarray(DES-ECB, DES-EDE, DES-CFB, DES-OFB, DES-CBC, DES-EDE3-CBC, \
//                RC4, RC2-CBC, BF-CBC, CAST5-CBC, RC5-CBC)

With a -digest parameter the method will limit the returned list to all of the digest algorithms supported by this installation of Lasso:

// => staticarray(MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA, SHA1, DSA-SHA, DSA, RIPEMD160)

Calculate a Digest Value

Use the cipher_digest method. The following example will return the DSA signature for the value of a database field “message”:

cipher_digest(field('message'), -digest='DSA')

Encrypt a Value Using 3DES

Use the cipher_encrypt method. The following example will return the 3DES encryption for the value of a database field “message”:

cipher_encrypt(field('message'), -cipher='DES-EDE3-CBC', -key='My Very Secret Key For 3DES')