.. _ldap: **** LDAP **** :abbr:`LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)` is an industry-standard protocol for publishing directory information within an organization. LDAP servers are used for many different tasks, such as publishing the contact information for employees or other publicly accessible information. LDAP servers are also used to publish authentication information so all servers within an organization can use the same usernames and passwords. An LDAP server provides access to a "directory information tree" (DIT). Each element in the tree is called an "entry" and has several attributes. Any element in the tree can be found using its "distinguished name" (DN). The distinguished name is like the path to a file in an operating system. For example, the DN of the record for John Doe in the directory might be "cn=John Doe, ou=People, o=LassoSoft". The DN is made up of three parts separated by commas. Each part of the DN is called a "relative distinguished name" (RDN) and must be unique for all entries at that level. The RDN functions much like a primary key and includes one or more name/value pairs that uniquely identify the element from all of its siblings. The attributes of each entry make up the data of the entry. Every entry will have an "objectClass" that tells what kind of entry it is. The remainder of the attributes will be determined by the type of directory that is being searched, but may include first name, last name, email address, phone number, etc. The attributes are often named with one or two-character abbreviations like "cn" for combined name, "ln" for last name, "fn" for first name, or "ou" for operational unit. Attributes may also have longer names like "email", "telephonenumber", and so on. LDAP Searches ============= A search is defined starting at a DN within the directory tree. This DN will usually be provided by the LDAP server administrator. The scope allows the search to be limited to the object itself (i.e., is the object contained within the tree?), children of the object, or the entire tree below the object. Some possible DNs are shown below: .. code-block:: none dc=lassosoft, dc=com ou=People, o=LassoSoft The search query is defined by the filter, which is a series of query terms (attributes and values) joined by logical operators. The most basic filter specifies that all objects in the tree should be returned: .. code-block:: none (objectClass=*) This is actually a special case of the "exists" filter. This filter returns any entries that have a defined objectClass. Similarly, all entries that have a full name attribute ("cn") could be found with this filter: .. code-block:: none (cn=*) A filter can specify an attribute name, operator, and value. Any of the attributes of the entries in the directory tree can be used in the filter. The operators include "equals" (``=``), "sounds like" (``~=``), "greater than" (``>=``), and "less than" (``<=``). The equals operator supports the asterisk (``*``) as a wildcard character, allowing for "contains", "begins with", and "ends with" searches. Operators for "greater than" (``>``) and "less than" (``<``) may only be supported on numeric fields. For example, the following simple filters would find all entries whose full name starts with "John", ends with "Doe", or are exactly "John Doe": .. code-block:: none (cn=John*) (cn=*Doe) (cn=John Doe) Two or more filters can be combined using the logical operators "and" (``&``) or "or" (``|``), or a filter can be negated using "not" (``!``). The following three filters would find all entries who have a first name of "John" and a last name of "Doe", a first name of "John" or a last name of "Doe", and a first name that is not "John" and a last name that is not "Doe": .. code-block:: none (& (cn=John*) (cn=*Doe)) (| (cn=John*) (cn=*Doe)) (& (! (cn=John*)) (! (cn=*Doe))) Note that there are no quotes around the values in the filters. The parentheses are used to delimit the values. In order to find a value that contains parentheses, an asterisk ("``*``"), a backslash ("``\``"), or a null character, the following escape sequences can be used: ``\2a`` for "``(``", ``\28`` for "``)``", ``\29`` for "``*``", ``\5c`` for "``\``", and ``\00`` for null. LDAP Results ============ The results of an LDAP search will be an array of pairs. The first element of each pair will be the DN of the entry. The second element of each pair will be an array of pairs including the attribute names and values for the entry. For example, a search that found entries for "John Doe" and "Jane Doe" could contain the following elements:: (: pair('cn=John Doe, ou=People, o=LassoSoft' = (: pair('cn'='John Doe'), pair('mail'='john@example.com') )), pair('cn=Jane Doe, ou=People, o=LassoSoft' = (: pair('cn'='Jane Doe'), pair('mail'='jane@example.com') )) ) LDAP allows the results to be customized in two ways. A list of desired attributes can be passed with the search. The results will only include those attributes. An asterisk wildcard (``*``) specifies that all attributes should be returned (the default). A plus sign wildcard (``+``) specifies that only operational attributes should be returned (these are attributes that are generally used internally by the LDAP directory). Finally, a flag allows only attribute names to be returned without any values. By default both attribute names and values are returned. LDAP Methods ============ The :type:`ldap` type can create a connection to an LDAP server and then send queries to the server. .. type:: ldap .. method:: ldap(...) Creates a new ldap object. Accepts an optional host name and port to immediately open a connection to a server. .. member:: ldap->open(...) Opens a connection to an LDAP server. Requires a host name and optionally a port. .. member:: ldap->authenticate(...) Logs into the LDAP server. Requires a username and password. .. member:: ldap->search(...) Performs a search on the remote LDAP server. Requires a parameter specifying the base of the query. Additional parameters specify the scope, filter, attributes, and attributes-only option for the query. See the following list for details about these parameters. Returns no value. :param base: The DN of the entry at which to start the search. Required. :param scope: The scope of the search. Optional. This parameter should be one of the following methods: - `ldap_scope_base` -- Search the object itself. - `ldap_scope_onelevel` -- Search the object's immediate children. - `ldap_scope_subtree` -- Search the object and all its descendants. :param filter: The filter to apply to the search. Optional. :param attributes: An array of strings specifying the attribute types to return in the search results. Optional. - ``*`` (asterisk) may be specified in the array to indicate that all attributes are to be returned. - ``+`` (plus sign) may be specified in the array to indicate that all operational attributes should be returned. - ``1.1`` may be specified in the array to indicate that no attributes should be returned. :param attribute-only: A boolean specifying that only attributes and no values should be returned. Defaults to "false". Optional. .. member:: ldap->results() Returns results from the last search operation as an array containing a series of nested array and pair values. Each element in the top level array is a pair representing an entry found in the search. The first element of the pair is the DN of the found entry. The second element of the pair is an array of pairs containing the entry's attribute names and values. .. member:: ldap->referrals() Returns an array of referral strings if any are generated by the server. .. member:: ldap->code() Returns the code generated by the previous operation. A code of "0" means success. The most common codes are listed in the table below. .. member:: ldap->close(...) Closes the connection to the LDAP server. For example, the following code performs an LDAP query against a server "ldap.example.com". The base of the query is ``'dc=example,dc=com'``. The scope is `ldap_scope_subtree` specifying that the object and all of its descendants should be searched. The filter is ``'(objectClass=*)'`` specifying that all object classes are to be returned. The filter attribute is "``*``" specifying that all attributes are to be returned. And, the "attribute-only" parameter is automatically set to "false" specifying that both attributes and values should be returned. After each line is executed the return code is verified to be "0", indicating success. If the result code is greater than "0" then an error is reported. :: local(my_ldap) = ldap #my_ldap->open('ldap.example.com') fail_if(#my_ldap->code != 0, #my_ldap->code, 'LDAP Error ' + #my_ldap->code) #my_ldap->authenticate('myusername', 'mysecretpassword') fail_if(#my_ldap->code != 0, #my_ldap->code, 'LDAP Error ' + #my_ldap->code) #my_ldap->search('dc=example,dc=com', ldap_scope_subtree, '(objectClass=*)') fail_if(#my_ldap->code != 0, #my_ldap->code, 'LDAP Error ' + #my_ldap->code) local(my_result) = #my_ldap->results #my_ldap->close The result of this operation will be a staticarray of pairs. The first element of each pair is the DN of the entry. The second element of each pair is a staticarray of pairs containing the names and attributes of the element. .. tabularcolumns:: ll .. _ldap-status-codes: .. table:: Common LDAP Status Codes ==== ======================================================================== Code Description ==== ======================================================================== 0 Success (No Error) 1 Operations Error 2 Protocol Error 3 Time Limit Exceeded 4 Size Limit Exceeded 5 Compare False 6 Compare True 7 Auth Method Not Supported 8 Strong Auth Required 10 Referral 11 Admin Limit Exceeded 12 Unavailable Critical Extension 13 Confidentiality Required 14 SASL Bind In Progress 16 No Such Attribute 17 Undefined Attribute Type 18 Inappropriate Matching 19 Constraint Violation 20 Attribute Or Value Exists 21 Invalid Attribute Syntax 32 No Such Object 33 Alias Problem 34 Invalid DN Syntax 36 Alias Dereferencing Problem 48 Inappropriate Authentication 49 Invalid Credentials 50 Insufficient Access Rights 51 Busy 52 Unavailable 53 Unwilling To Perform 54 Loop Detect 64 Naming Violation 65 Object Class Violation 66 Not Allowed On Non-Leaf 67 Not Allowed On RDN 68 Entry Already Exists 69 Object Class Mods Prohibited 71 Affects Multiple DSAs 80 Other ==== ========================================================================