.. http://www.lassosoft.com/Lasso-9-Server-Linux-Installation .. highlight:: none .. _ubuntu-installation: ******************* Ubuntu Installation ******************* These instructions are for installing Lasso Server on 64-bit Ubuntu 14. Installation with apt ===================== If you don't already have the :command:`add-apt-repository` program, install it with the following command:: $> sudo apt-get install python-software-properties Import the LassoSoft public key:: $> sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys http://debianrepo.lassosoft.com/lassosoft-public.gpg.key To install Lasso Server via :command:`apt`, the LassoSoft apt repository must be configured on the server. Add the repository by running the following command:: $> sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] http://debianrepo.lassosoft.com/ stable main" Then run the following to install Lasso Server:: $> sudo apt-get update $> sudo apt-get install lasso-instance-manager Lasso's Java support (which includes methods for PDF manipulation) and ImageMagick support are provided as separate packages. If you need the functionality these packages provide, they can be installed with the following commands:: $> sudo apt-get install lasso-java-api $> sudo apt-get install lasso-imagemagick When done, open :ref:`!http://your-server-domain.name:8090/lasso9/lux` to load the initialization form and complete your Lasso installation. From here on, you can read up on using the :ref:`instance-manager` and :ref:`instance-administration` interfaces. Package Installation ==================== To install Lasso directly from the Debian packages, download the latest releases from the `repository archive`_, then run these commands (ignore errors when running :command:`dpkg`):: $> sudo apt-get update $> sudo apt-get install apache2 $> sudo dpkg -i lasso-instance-manager_9.3*.deb lasso-imagemagick_9.3*.deb lasso-java-api_9.3*.deb $> sudo apt-get install -f .. _repository archive: http://debianrepo.lassosoft.com/9.3/